Skiing,building snowman's, throwing snowballs and SNOW, SNOW and MORE SNOW!!! My favourite part of my holiday was skiing in Switzerland. The only thing I did not like about skiing in Switzerland is that children have to where a helmet.URGH, the helmets are hard and you can't really hear as well as you usually can! I loved making the snowman. It was taller then me! Since the snow was somehow very 'good' we were able to literally roll the make a small snow ball and just keep rolling it on the ground until it gets bigger and bigger! We had problems lifting the 2ndball of snow because it was so big and heavy that it seemed impossible to lift it. Luckily, my friends they were staying at the hotel so one of my friends ran down to fetch a towel. and quickly ran up again. when she got the towel, we rolled the snowball onto the towel and each person carried one corner and together, we lifted the snowball and managed to put it onto the body. Next came the hardest part of all. Bolding the head. The head broke 3x and once it fell of so basically we made the head around 5x. When we were done pushing and pulling all of that snow, my friends poured ice tea all over the snowman's head for its hair and we put cookies for the eyes and finally for the mouth, we used a slice of an apple. In the end., our snowman eventually sank because it rained ( :( ) but at least we had the best time building it!
It must have been fun building that snowman. Too bad it melted...
I never made a snowman before and it sounds fun!
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