Whne the 7.0 earthquaek shook the city of earthquake, ALOT of people were killed in the horrible earthquake. Luckily, the american president promieses to help donate tons and tons of water to help supply Haiti with water as some of the other countries around the world as well have not only donated water but food, aid care, and definately money to help Haiti. They have started this thing that if you do something on faceook, or blackberry message somebody, the money that you are actually paying to BBM someone, half of that omunt is going to Haiti. I think that is a very productive system because ALOT of people have blackberry's and since Alot of people I know like to BBM, I think that they will earn ALOT of money!
The Haiti earthquake was 7.0??? That is a BIG earthquake!!!
Hope the people there are fine... (not really)
:) helena
Pretty good job on the Haiti update, Michelle. It is great to finally be able to leave comments. :-)
Read your first sentence and see if you can figure where to edit it so it doesn't run on and on.
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