Monday, January 25, 2010

History of Haiti

1. Haiti was found by Christopher Columbus in 1492.

2. When the french introduced coffee to the Haitians, It soon became a important drink in Haiti.

3. Haiti is a place with a lot of mountains Hayti is the Indian name for the country and it means 'Land of the mountains'.

4. The country lies in the path of a lot of hurricanes and tropical storms and in 2008Haiti had to face 4 tropical storms which left destruction in Haiti.

5. When Columbus discovered Haiti, Haiti became part of the Spanish colony and the Spanish killed of all of the Haitians and started to import African slaves into Haiti.

6.Right after the Spanish took over, the french came and took over Haiti and they increased the produce of sugar, coffee, cotton and sugarcane but the Haitians started to revolt against the french and Haiti gained Independence on January 1804.

7. The Haitians have been suffering without alot of food since alot of the food prices have gone up 50% in a half of a year. Even if you worked for a whole day, the minimum amount of money given would be 70 goud (goud is their currency) and with 70 goud, you cannot even buy a gallon of gas!

8. In Haiti, 80% of the Haitians are in poverty.

9. Only 30% children go to school and in that 30% only 2% continue school.

  1. 10. Haiti also used to be a very rich country but brcuase of all of the food amount increase, the country became poor.


helenac16108058 said...

Okayy... I just finished reading Nadia's post and you two wrote the same topic! Do your whole entire class have to write the same thing? I mean about Haiti? I want to know about your pets etc.
:) helena

Michael said...

Nice work on the historical information on Haiti, Michelle. The goal of the assignment was to look at Haiti's past and see if you can find information leading to why they are so impoverished today. Your latter points are fine, but look at #'s 1-3 in this way. They are true, but not on the topic. The rest are clearly moving in the right direction.
