Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lying VS asking any question

If i had to choose between lying or asking any question, i would pick to ask any question. I pick that because not only will you get to know something but you dont exactly hurt anyone's feeligns like you could if you lie and they figure out the truth soon enough. Why i did not pick lying is because once you say a lie, you sort of have to keep up with that lie so you would have to just keep going on and on with that lie and i think it could get a bit stressful and if you fail at it and the person figures out the truth they may seem upset. SO i think Asking a question is better


Middle School Si Won said...

I agree with you. I also picked asking any questions. You also have good reasons.

Valentina said...

Same! Great minds think alike! Hehe! I;m really bad at keeping up with the lie, especially if its to my friends!
PS: Have I signed your yearbook??

Hyun Jin said...

Great reasoning, Michy! I chose asking any questions too. Yes, lying will hurt your feelings. Somebody once lied to me and then I figured out the truth. It made me real sad. :(